
Hang in there...

Fungate makes
Web3 easy.

Fungate does the
heavy lifting

At its core, Fungate uses WAGMI and WalletConnect to interface with Ethereum, and the rest is magic.


The heart of the token gating functionality fungate offers. The [fungate] Shortcode. Complete with Boolean Logic and Scheduling.

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Web3 Login

Users can register and log in to your site simply by connecting their wallet and signing a login nonce (SIWE – Sign In With Ethereum). No more passwords!

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Set Token Gating logic for different WordPress Roles and have users automatically be assigned to them when they connect their wallet.

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Protected Media

Stream protected media from behind a Token Gate using the [fungate_media] shortcode.

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Token Gated Groups

Enable BuddyPress integration and allow Token Gated groups and activity feeds.

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WooCommerce Integration

Enable Token Gated Products and Coupons in just a few easy clicks!

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Fungate is Free

Everyone can use Fungate for Free.

support me and development by tipping!

Fungate is Comprehensive

  • Enable support for any EVM.
  • Enable support for TAIKO.
  • Enable base Ethereum functionality.
  • Enable support for Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Starknet, and Loopring.
  • Enable IMX and IMX zkEvm support.
  • Enable Solana support.
  • Enable Crypto Payments.
  • Enable NFT and ERC-20 Token Gating
  • Enable Pay-to-view posts, pages, downloads, and more!
  • Smart Contract interactions coming soon!
  • Full Metamask and WalletConnect Integration.
  • Supports any wallet, native or browser.

Fungate Pro License

  • Remote Ethereum Signature Verification
  • Personal support

“Where Functionality Meets Freedom – Eliminating Middlemen, Elevating Possibilities.”

Stephen Swanson

CEO, Fungate LLC

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Reach out for support any time.
Share what you have made with others.